SimpleOrbit Class

This class gives you the ability to plot orbits in singles, or using an array/list.

Class Initialization

class SimpleOrbit(FeaturesExtra):
    def __init__(self, plot_title, name, fps=30):
  • plot_title (str): The title of the orbital plot.

  • name (str): The name of the celestial object you want to plot.

  • fps (int): Frames per second for the animation (default is 30).

This class is initialized with a plot title, object name, and an optional frames per second value for the animation.

Plot Styling

Setting Background Color

def faceColor(self, face_color):
  • face_color (str): Background color of the 3D plot.

Set the background color of the plot using this method. You can specify the color as a name (e.g., "white") or a hexadecimal code (e.g., "#F3EEEA").

Setting Axes Plane Color

def paneColor(self, pane_color):
  • pane_color (str): Color of the axes planes.

Change the color of the planes representing the X, Y, and Z axes using this method.

Setting Grid Color

def gridColor(self, grid_color):
  • grid_color (str): Color of grid lines.

Customize the color of the grid lines in the 3D plot to provide reference points.

Setting Orbit Transparency

def orbitTransparency(self, orbit_transparency):
  • orbit_transparency (float): Transparency of orbit lines (0.0 to 1.0).

Control the transparency of the plotted orbit lines. A value of 0.0 means fully transparent, while 1.0 means fully opaque.

Setting Label Color

def labelColor(self, label_color):
  • label_color (str): Color of axis labels.

Customize the color of the X, Y, and Z axis labels for better visibility or style matching.

Setting Tick Color

def tickColor(self, tick_color):
  • tick_color (str): Color of axis ticks.

Specify the color of the ticks on the X, Y, and Z axes to align them with the plot's style.

Data Input and Plot Generation

Generating Orbital Plot

def calculateOrbit(self, plot_steps, n_orbits, data=None, color=None, trajectory=False, sun=True):
  • plot_steps (int): Number of steps for plotting the orbit.

  • n_orbits (int): Number of orbital periods to plot.

  • data (list of lists): List of celestial objects' data. Each sublist should contain the name, semi-major axis, perihelion, eccentricity, inclination, longitude of ascending node, argument of perihelion, and color (optional).

  • color (str): Default color for celestial objects (optional).

  • trajectory (bool): Whether to plot the object's trajectory (default is False).

  • sun (bool): Whether to plot the Sun at the center (default is True).

  • inclinationObserver (bool): Visualize the inclination of the orbits

  • display_name (bool): Enable the names/IDs of the objects you are plotting.

Use this method to generate 3D orbital plots. You can either provide a list of celestial object data or specify the orbital parameters individually for a single object.

Animating the Orbit

def animateOrbit(self, dpi, save=False, export_zoom=None, font_size="xx-small", export_folder=None, animation_interval=40, x_lim=None, y_lim=None, z_lim=None, x_label="X-Axis", y_label="Y-Axis", z_label="Z-Axis"):
  • dpi (int): Dots per inch for the animation.

  • save (bool): Whether to save the animation as a GIF (default is False).

  • export_zoom (int): Zoom level for the exported GIF (optional).

  • font_size (str): Font size for the legend (optional).

  • export_folder (str): Folder to save the GIF (optional).

  • animation_interval (int): Interval between animation frames (default is 40).

  • x_lim (list): List containing the X-axis limits (optional).

  • y_lim (list): List containing the Y-axis limits (optional).

  • z_lim (list): List containing the Z-axis limits (optional).

  • x_label (str): Label for the X-axis (optional).

  • y_label (str): Label for the Y-axis (optional).

  • z_label (str): Label for the Z-axis (optional).

This method animates the generated orbital plot. You can specify various parameters like export settings, axis labels, and animation interval.

Setting Axis Limits

def xLim(self, x_lim):
def yLim(self, y_lim):
def zLim(self, z_lim):
  • x_lim, y_lim, z_lim (list): Lists containing axis limits.

You can use these methods to set custom limits for the X, Y, and Z axes to focus on specific regions of the plot.

Setting Axis Labels

def xLabel(self, x_label):
def yLabel(self, y_label):
def zLabel(self, z_label):
  • x_label, y_label, z_label (str): Labels for the X, Y, and Z axes.

Use these methods to label the axes in the plot with the desired text.

Individual Object Details

You can set individual orbital parameters for a single object using the following methods:

def semiMajorAxis(self, semi_major_axis):
def perihelion(self, perihelion):
def eccentricity(self, eccentricity):
def inclination(self, inclination):
def longitudeOfAscendingNode(self, longitude_of_ascending_node):
def argumentOfPerihelion(self, argument_of_perihelion):
def sunSize(self, sun_size):
def planetSize(self, planet_size):
  • semi_major_axis: Semi-major axis of the object's orbit.

  • perihelion: Perihelion distance of the object's orbit.

  • eccentricity: Eccentricity of the object's orbit.

  • inclination: Inclination of the object's orbit.

  • longitude_of_ascending_node: Longitude of the ascending node of the object's orbit.

  • argument_of_perihelion: Argument of perihelion of the object's orbit.

  • sun_size: Size of the Sun in the plot.

  • planet_size: Size of the celestial object in the plot.

Inclination Plot

def inclinationPlot(self, color):
  • color (str): Color of the inclination plot.

Use this method to enable plotting of inclination and specify the color for the inclination plot.

Example Usage

# Import the SimpleOrbit class and other required libraries
from orbitronomy import SimpleOrbit

# Create a SimpleOrbit object with a plot title and object name
test = SimpleOrbit(plot_title="Test", name="Earth", fps=30)

# Styling the plot

# Define data for multiple celestial objects or set parameters individually for a single object
data = [
    ["object1", 1, 0.983289891, 0.01671123, 15, 0, 0, "green"],
    ["object2", 1.5, 0.483289891, 0.02671123, 6, 0, 0, "yellow"],
    ["object3", 1.3, 0.683289891, 0.01671123, 2, 0, 0, "red"]

# cool atom shape
# data = [
#     ['electron1', 1.0, 0.8, 0.2, 0.0, 0, 0, 'red'],
#     ['electron2', 1.0, 0.8, 0.2, 30.0, 0, 0, 'red'],
#     ['electron3', 1.0, 0.8, 0.2, 60.0, 0, 0, 'red'],
#     ['electron4', 1.0, 0.8, 0.2, 90.0, 0, 0, 'red'],
#     ['electron5', 1.0, 0.8, 0.2, 120.0, 0, 0, 'red'],
#     ['electron6', 1.0, 0.8, 0.2, 150.0, 0, 0, 'red']]

# cool atom shape 2x less
# data = [
#     ['electron1', 1.0, 0.2, 0.6, 0.0, 0, 0, 'red'],
#     ['electron2', 1.0, 0.2, 0.6, 60.0, 0, 0, 'red'],
#     ['electron3', 1.0, 0.2, 0.6, 120.0, 0, 0, 'red'],
# ]

# you can also use the following instead of data if you want to plot a single object
# test.semiMajorAxis(1)
# test.perihelion(0.983289891)
# test.eccentricity(0.01671123)
# test.inclination(0)
# test.longitudeOfAscendingNode(0)
# test.argumentOfPerihelion(0)

# Calculate and plot the orbits

# Enable inclination observation plot with red color

test.calculateOrbit(plot_steps=1000, n_orbits=4, data=data,
                    # color="blue",
                    trajectory=True, sun=True, 
                    display_name=True, fontsize=12, fontweight="normal")

# Set axis labels and limits
test.xLim([20, 20])
test.yLim([20, 20])
test.zLim([1, 1])

# Animate and save the orbit plot as a GIF
test.animateOrbit(dpi=250, save=False, export_zoom=3, font_size="xx-small", export_folder="results", animation_interval=10)

This example demonstrates how to create and customize orbital plots using the SimpleOrbit class. You can define data for multiple celestial objects or set parameters individually for a single object, style the plot, and generate an animated orbit visualization.

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