RelativeOrbit Class

The ParentChildOrbit class is designed to create 3D orbital plots for parent-child celestial object systems.

Class Initialization

class RelativeOrbit:
    def __init__(self, plot_title, name, fps=30):
  • plot_title (str): The title of the orbital plot.

  • name (str): The name of the celestial object you want to plot.

  • fps (int): Frames per second for the animation (default is 30).

This class is initialized with a plot title, object name, and an optional frames per second value for the animation.

Plot Styling

Setting Background Color

def faceColor(self, face_color):
  • face_color (str): Background color of the 3D plot.

Set the background color of the plot using this method. You can specify the color as a name (e.g., "white") or a hexadecimal code (e.g., "#F3EEEA").

Setting Axes Plane Color

def paneColor(self, pane_color):
  • pane_color (str): Color of the axes planes.

Change the color of the planes representing the X, Y, and Z axes using this method.

Setting Grid Color

def gridColor(self, grid_color):
  • grid_color (str): Color of grid lines.

Customize the color of the grid lines in the 3D plot to provide reference points.

Setting Label Color

def labelColor(self, label_color):
  • label_color (str): Color of axis labels.

Customize the color of the X, Y, and Z axis labels for better visibility or style matching.

Setting Tick Color

def tickColor(self, tick_color):
  • tick_color (str): Color of axis ticks.

Specify the color of the ticks on the X, Y, and Z axes to align them with the plot's style.

Setting Orbit Transparency

def orbitTransparencyParentObject(self, orbit_transparency_parent_object):
def orbitTransparencyChildObject(self, orbit_transparency_child_object):
  • orbit_transparency_parent_object, orbit_transparency_child_object (float): Transparency of orbit lines (0.0 to 1.0) for the parent and child objects.

Control the transparency of the plotted orbit lines for the parent and child objects separately. A value of 0.0 means fully transparent, while 1.0 means fully opaque.

Setting Object Colors

def colorParentObjectOrbit(self, color_parent_object_orbit):
def colorChildObjectOrbit(self, color_child_object_orbit):
  • color_parent_object_orbit, color_child_object_orbit (list): Colors for the parent and child object and their orbits (e.g., ["blue", "green"]).

Specify the colors for the parent and child objects as well as their respective orbit lines.

Setting Object Sizes

def sunSize(self, sun_size):
def parentObjectSize(self, parent_object_size):
def childObjectSize(self, child_object_size):
  • sun_size, parent_object_size, child_object_size (int): Sizes of the Sun, parent object, and child object in the plot.

Customize the size of the Sun, parent object, and child object in the plot using these methods.

Data Input and Plot Generation

Generating Orbital Plot

def calculateOrbit(self, plot_steps, n_orbits_child=1, data=None, 
                   color=None, trajectory=False, sun=True, 
                   child_trajectory=True, n_orbits_parent=1):
  • plot_steps (int): Number of steps for plotting the orbit.

  • n_orbits_child (int): Number of orbital periods to plot for the child object (default is 1).

  • data (list of lists): List of celestial objects' data. Each sublist should contain the name, semi-major axis, perihelion, eccentricity, inclination, longitude of ascending node, argument of perihelion, and color (optional).

  • color (str): Default color for celestial objects (optional).

  • trajectory (bool): Whether to plot the object's trajectory (default is False).

  • sun (bool): Whether to plot the Sun at the center (default is True).

  • child_trajectory (bool): Whether to plot the child object's trajectory (default is True).

  • n_orbits_parent (int): Number of orbital periods to plot for the parent object (default is 1).

Use this method to generate 3D orbital plots for parent-child celestial object systems. You can either provide a list of celestial object data or specify the orbital parameters individually for a single object.

Animating the Orbit

def animateOrbit(self, dpi, save=False, export_zoom=None, font_size="xx-small", export_folder=None, animation_interval=40, x_lim=None, y_lim=None, z_lim=None, x_label="X-Axis", y_label="Y-Axis", z_label="Z-Axis"):
  • dpi (int): Dots per inch for the animation.

  • save (bool): Whether to save the animation as a GIF (default is False).

  • export_zoom (int): Zoom level for the exported GIF (optional).

  • font_size (str): Font size for the legend (optional).

  • export_folder (str): Folder to save the GIF (optional).

  • animation_interval (int): Interval between animation frames (default is 40).

  • x_lim, y_lim, z_lim (list): Lists containing the X, Y, and Z axis limits (optional).

  • x_label, y_label, z_label (str): Labels for the X, Y, and Z axes (optional).

This method animates the generated orbital plot. You can specify various parameters like export settings, axis labels, and animation interval.

Setting Axis Limits

def xLim(self, x_lim):
def yLim(self, y_lim):
def zLim(self, z_lim):
  • x_lim, y_lim, z_lim (list): Lists containing axis limits.

You can use these methods to set custom limits for the X, Y, and Z axes to focus on specific regions of the plot.

Setting Axis Labels

def xLabel(self, x_label):
def yLabel(self, y_label):
def zLabel(self, z_label):
  • x_label, y_label, z_label (str): Labels for the X, Y, and Z axes.

Use these methods to label the axes in the plot with the desired text.

Example Usage

# Import the RelativeOrbit class and other required libraries
from orbitronomy import RelativeOrbit

# Create a RelativeOrbit object with a plot title and object name
test = RelativeOrbit(plot_title="Test", name="Earth", fps=30)

# Styling the plot
test.colorParentObjectOrbit(["blue", "green"])
test.colorChildObjectOrbit(["red", "white"])

# Setting Keplerian elements for the parent and child objects


# Customize object and orbit sizes

# Generate and animate the orbital plot
test.calculateOrbit(plot_steps=1000, n_orbits_child=3, n_orbits_parent=1, trajectory=True, sun=True, child_trajectory=True)
test.xLim([20, 20])
test.yLim([20, 20])
test.zLim([1, 1])

test.animateOrbit(dpi=250, save=False, export_zoom=3, export_folder="results", font_size="xx-small", animation_interval=10)

This example demonstrates the usage of the ParentChildOrbit class to create a customized 3D orbital plot and animate it. It includes setting plot styles, specifying orbital parameters, and generating the animation.

Please note that this documentation provides an overview of the ParentChildOrbit class and its methods. Additional details can be found in the inline comments within the class implementation.

Last updated

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